International Workshop ‘Europe, Sport and Heritage’ in Amsterdam
Erasmus+ project My Sporting Heritage is organising its first public event - an international workshop titled ‘Europe, Sport and Heritage. Ontological and Thematic Approach’ which is set to take place on 6th September 2024 at the University of Amsterdam aiming to take stock of the national specificities of European sporting heritage.
European Commission ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SCP
My Sporting Heritage Workshop by ECROS & UVA
Preliminary Workshop Program ‘Europe, Sport and Heritage. Ontological and Thematic Approach’
Venue: University of Amsterdam, Bushuis D204
9:00 ‑ 9:15 | Opening speech by Niek Pas (University of Amsterdam) followed by a presentation of ECROS (John Palfrey in video) |
9:15 ‑ 9:30 | Presentation of the My sporting Heritage project by Laurène Bertrand (Musée National du Sport-France) |
9:30 ‑ 10:00 | France - Yvan Gastaut |
10:00 ‑ 10:30 | Netherlands - Niek Pas |
10:30 ‑ 11:00 | Ireland and Great Britain - Phil Dine |
11:00 ‑ 11:30 | Germany - Daphné Bolz |
11:30 ‑ 12:00 | Italy - Paul Dietschy |
12:00 ‑ 13:30 | Break / Lunch |
13:30 ‑ 14:00 | Russia and former USSR - Sylvain Dufraisse |
14:00 ‑ 14:30 | Portugal - Victor Pereira |
14:30 ‑ 15:00 | Romania - Simona Petracovschi |
15:00 ‑ 15:15 | Break |
15:15 - 16:15 | Written contributions: Belgium - Pascal Delheye (Ghent University) Norway - Bodil Borset (Rindal Museum) Spain - Alfonso Noain (Spanish Sports Museum) |
16:15 - 17:00 | Towards a history of European sports heritage: exchange and joint discussion |
17:00 | Closing |

The My Sporting Heritage project, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Sport programme, aims to contribute to the identification, preservation and promotion of a European sporting heritage, that is often under-exposed.
This project relies on the expertise of European researchers (University of Amsterdam - UVA, European Cultural Route of Sport Association, Think Tank Sport & Citoyenneté) and specialists in digital pedagogy and the sport field (Musée National du Sport, Michael Culture and