Project coordinator
Musée National du Sport
The Musée National du Sport is the only all-sports museum in France. It explores 500 years of sport in France and around the world in over 2,000 m2 of permanent and temporary exhibitions. A public institution, the Musée National du Sport preserves and promotes the memory of sport and its collections are among the richest in the world (45,000 objects and 400,000 documents).

Project partners
Michael Culture
Michael Culture Association (MCA) is a not-for-profit organisation AISBL created in 2007. It is the only European trans-sectorial network for Cultural Heritage. Devoted to European cultural heritage valorization, MCA gathers members and experts from cultural institutions private and public - museums, libraries, archives, and research centres - ministries of Culture, from the EU and beyond, of which many represent cultural operators at the national level. It aims at promoting and valorizing European cultural heritage through advocacy, digitization, and dissemination to a European and worldwide audience and enhancing the network of European professionals working on digital cultural heritage.

Sport and Citizenship
First European Think tank in the field of Sport, Sport and Citizenship aims to analyse sports policy and to study the societal impact of sport. With a unique expertise on EU and national policies in this field, the Think tank (works on the socio-political issues of sport and) focuses on an important theme of society: active lifestyles, inclusion, and sustainable development. Sport and Citizenship also organizes and takes part in conferences and roundtables that put forward the core values of sport in society.

European Cultural Route of Sport
Created as part of the French State’s Heritage plan for the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, the European Cultural Route Of Sport (ECROS) is a France-based non-profit association that is currently a candidate to be certified by the Council of Europe as the first Cultural Route exclusively dedicated to sports. At the same time, ECROS works on EU-funded projects to promote sports in all its forms (practice, values, heritage and culture of sport).
Croatia (Association for Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture) is a non-profit organisation and citizen lab consisting of makerspace/hackerspace, media art lab, inclusion labs, Repair Café and A-I-R program founded in 2011. The organisation is dealing with DIY (do-it-yourself), DIWO (do-it-with-others) and DITO (do-it-together) cultures, STEAM concepts, interdisciplinary and intergenerational non-formal education and hybrid activities. The lab is developing innovative projects with an emphasis on community building, participation, cohesion and social inclusion, knowledge transfer and co-creation. It is also active in the areas of GLAM, CCI in the international and local context, policy making on municipal and international level. It focuses its activities on education, innovation, research processes, art production, curatorial practices, residencies, international and domestic inter-sector collaborations, self-sustainable systems, repair community activities, citizen science and social awareness related activities.

Universiteit van Amsterdam
The University of Amsterdam - UvA is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Established in 1632 by municipal authorities, it is the fourth-oldest academic institution in the Netherlands still in operation.The UvA is one of Europe's foremost research universities that does research that matters, connecting scientific research to societal challenges. It belongs to Europe's top universities. With over 40,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhDs it is a hub of academic research and education. The University of Amsterdam has seven faculties: humanities; social and behavioral sciences; economics and business; science; law; medicine; dentistry.